
Aspetti economici del trattamento della Farigotonsillite Streptococcica in eta pediatrica

Autori: Giorgio L. Colombo, Marta Vinci, Mauro Caruggi Objective To evaluate the different prescribing conducts in between Paediatrics (PED) and General Practitioners (MMG) in the diagnosis and in the care of streptococcal pharyngotonsillitis in paediatric age and to estimate the costs of this pathology. Methods This is an observational retrospective study developed with the cooperation [...]

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Il trattamento del dolore da cancro: qualita di vita e conseguenze economiche tra Ossicodone CR vs. Fentanyl TTS

Autori: Vanni Bascape Objective This paper discusses the results of a Quality of Life analysis of controlled release oxycodone (Oxycodone CR) vs. transdermal fentanyl (Fentanyl TTS) in cancer pain. Methods Clinical trial were identified detailing randomized trials involving one of interventions of interest in malignant pain. All trials were assessed against the following inclusion criteria: [...]

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Analisi costo efficacia di Etanercept vs. Adalimumab nel trattamento dell’artrite reumatoide in Italia

Autori: Giorgio L. Colombo, Giulio Serra, Gianni Leardini Objective This study compares the cost effectiveness of Etanercept and Adalimumab used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Methods A decision analytic model was constructed to estimate the costs and effectiveness of these drugs used alone or in combination with Methotrexate during 1 year from NHS perspective. [...]

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